March 13, 2025
Social Issues

Why crime against women increasing?

crime against women

Every day we hear the news of crime against women which is quite disheartening. The bad news is number of such cases increasing day by day despite so many debates happening across social media & news channels, awareness programs being run, stricter laws in place but nothing seems to be working.

Now, the question is why we as a society have completely failed to stop these crimes? What could be the potential reasons? What are the potential solutions?

There could be many reasons but here are my points what I think are responsible for crimes against women.

  • Lack of Quality Education – India’s literacy rate is growing at good speed which is 74.37% now according to a website MacroTrends. Obviously, number has gone up but still less, 25.63% people are still not educated that means around 35-40 crores people are still illiterate, and that’s a huge number. Even if those are educated, not many will be made aware of social topics in schools or colleges; this is also a part of education and some are very important ones, including women issues/crimes against women.

So where there is no education, crime will surely increase in that particular area or region.

The Government need to setup a plan to educate more & more people across PAN India, need to open more schools/colleges, as well as need to run program for social education.

  • Unemployment – This has always been an issue in India. Also, providing jobs to every individual is next to impossible, however, the unemployment % can be reduced if the government act on this seriously. Everyone needs money to run their own lives & family; lack of employment forces us to try different options to make money, some may go in a wrong direction, end up making crimes.
  • Politics – Sometimes we hear in the news that some people accused of such crimes escape punishment as they are in politics and powerful.
  • No stricter laws – Yes, we have laws defined for such crimes but need to be made more stricter if that’s not working.
  • No boost to awareness program – We see social media debate, news debate, ads related to women issues or feminism but more such awareness programs need to be run across PAN areas/every village by the responsible people or head of the village.
  • Carelessness – Girls/women need to be aware of that such incidents may happen to anyone so be prepared for that. Avoid going to the isolated places alone or only with a few friends, don’t go out at night alone, don’t trust strangers as predators are everywhere.  Even if you are planning to go anywhere, let your parents know; don’t hide things.

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