March 14, 2025
Emotional Intelligence

Types of negative emotions

types of negatives emotions

We humans are emotional and are driven by different emotions throughout the day depending on the situation. Sometimes we feel happy, sometimes sad, sometimes anger, sometimes excited to name a few as there are countless emotions we express. But here we will discuss about the negative ones, there are many negative emotions we express every day listed below:

Ego refers to too much self-importance. You may have noticed some people are very touchy, they easily feel bad or get upset if something casually said to them or given feedback or criticised. They don’t accept their mistakes while put blame on others even if they are wrong.

Arrogance refers to too much self-importance and over-pride of something you possess. You may have noticed some people keep bragging about something they own or some quality they possess. They consider themselves superior in the group and reluctant to take other ideas.

  • Jealously refers to feeling of unhappiness or bitterness when something good happening to other lives
  • Revenge refers to feeling of hurting someone in reply, verbally or physically
  • Anger refers to an intense emotional state when you are upset or hurt by something
  • Annoyance refers to being upset by something or don’t like something
  • Fear refers to feeling that something bad could happen to you
  • Disgust refers to feeling of not liking or hating something
  • Sadness refers to low feeling, unhappy because of some reasons
  • Loneliness refers to feeling of socially isolated
  • Rejection refers to feeling of not being accepted
  • Contempt refers to feeling of something is of not value
  • Shame refers to the feeling of embarrassment or guilt
  • Guilt refers to the feeling of something wrong is done by us we shouldn’t do
  • Self-doubt refers to feeling of doubting our own capability when expectations are not met
  • Terror refers to feeling of something unpleasant or frightening going to happen
  • Grief is a feeling of extreme sadness

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