We all may have struggled with self-respect at some point in life; some could be more & some less. This is something we learn with time, but consistent practice makes it even stronger and that’s what we need to live a happy & prosperous life. Lack of self-respect affects us psychologically, it makes us feel low, affects our self-confidence, affects our mental health, affects our performance and career growth, it doesn’t let us explore ourselves freely; these all eventually cause us to live a life we don’t want.
We always deserve more but low self-respect confines us in a boundary and doesn’t let us grow. We see a different life when we are full of self-respect and have a different life perspective when low on self-respect.
But the question is, why do we lack self-respect?
There could be many factors highlighted in the points below, not every point will be affecting your self-respect level so check out the points to know what’s affecting you, and work on those to bring back the self-respect you should have.
Not respecting what you have: There are certain things that we are born with, such as our looks, family, parents, and rich/poor; some do respect but some don’t. They keep complaining about their looks, why they are poor? why something they don’t have? They compare with others & keep dwelling on these things instead of accepting that & working on improving things they lack, such as they can be rich if they work hard, they can get all those things they want but instead of worrying they need to focus on positives & work hard.
Social Environment – It also depends on who you hang out with, what you see in your social media feed, and what you read; these all affect us and if you hang out with negative people, read negative stuff, scroll through negative content in your social media feed then it may affect your self-esteem.
Too much expectation – Expecting too much from ourselves and not fulfilling that causes self-doubt and we start looking down on ourselves. We have to be very calculative while setting expectations or we hurt ourselves.
Lack of patience – Impatience brings negativity into our minds. If we are working on something and we don’t get the results, we start making negative assumptions. We have to be patient as things take time.
Lack of plan – We all should have a proper plan so we move forward in the right direction. Unfortunately, I have seen many people (who I know) have random plans, not far-sighted, they make mistakes and give up on what they want to pursue; which seriously affects their confidence & self-respect.
Negative experiences – In life, some incidents affect us badly and jolt us from the inside; creating a bad memory. It could be a mistake or humiliation you faced or you were insulted or loss you got in your business or your plan failed because of some reasons. We don’t get the courage to restart as these have lowered our confidence & now, we look down on ourselves that we can’t do.