Self-respect refers to self-love, self-care, self-acceptance, and self-confidence. People with high self-respect love themselves & people around them, they give importance to everything they have and strive hard to achieve what they wish for instead of complaining. But those who lack self-respect always complain about everything, what they have or don’t have.
Self-respect is such quality that everyone must possess to live a happy life. It can be learnt by consistently practicing it. People with low self-respect must practice it to gain it back but they need to identify areas of improvement. Below is the list of signs people with low self-respect may have:
Insecurity – They are always insecure about something, it may be their looks, dress-ups, job, health & others.
Approval seeking – They always need others’ approval as they don’t trust their inner voice. Whether they are right or wrong, they always want others’ approval as they can’t decide on their own.
Comparisons – They always compare with others to decide how they are doing. They make their life decisions by looking at the lives of others instead of making their own choices.
Negative talks – They have a feeling of self-doubt, and self-criticising they love to do.
Focus on negatives – There are lots of things that happen to us, both positives & negatives but they love to focus on negatives and keep thinking for hours.
Try to prove – Even if a minor mistake has happened, they explain too much. They sometimes exaggerate small things as they feel bad quickly and sometimes become over-apologetic when they realize they have made mistakes.
Social phobia – They avoid social gatherings because of insecurity. It can be of anything, maybe they are concerned about their looks, and dresses, or want to avoid certain people and others.