March 14, 2025

How to keep yourself healthy in this fast-faced era?

keep yourself healthy

In this fast-paced life, we have almost forgotten to take care of our health, we have been extremely busy with our careers, jobs & businesses. Apart from these, we also have to spend time with our family, friends, relatives & loved ones so we hardly get time for ourselves and that’s taking a toll on our health.

But we need to keep ourselves healthy to live a happy and successful life as health is something very hard to get back to normal once lost. As you are reading this blog, you will be thinking about how you can also keep yourself healthy so here are some tips that can guide you.

Before we jump to the tips part, I want to tell you that these are what I have learned over the years while facing my own health issues so this knowledge is good but please also speak with your doctor if you have any health issues, don’t just rely on blogs.

Categorizing in two parts, Mental Health & Physical Health so you can understand it better:

Mental health

Our mind and body are connected to each other so if you are stressed for a prolonged time, you start getting health issues, such as gut problems, chronic diseases & others. In the same way, when you have physical health issues you don’t feel good, you may get a headache or dizziness, your productivity decreases, affects your cognitive ability or something else happens to your body.

So, what can you do to take care of your mental health & well-being?

Eat healthy – Our brain requires all types of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals to function properly or if it’s lacking you may not feel good. For e.g., if you have Vit B12 deficiency then you may feel dizziness or numbness in your hands & feet as it nourishes nerve cells.

Take good sleep every day – Proper sleep is required every day for your brain to function properly. It helps to improve your memory, learning, decision-making, and cognitive ability, as well as helps to get rid of everyday mental fatigue & rejuvenates your brain.

Regular exercise – It improves blood circulation to the brain, uplifts mood, and keeps positive throughout the day.

Take care of your physical health – If you are not physically healthy it affects your mood as both are connected to each other. So, take the necessary steps to keep yourself healthy.

Stress management – Every day we have to face many life problems that cause mental stress. Learning the art of managing stress can help you manage those tasks easily and can keep you happy, resulting in better mental health.

Meditate regularly – Meditation helps you understand your thoughts, behavior, and problems clearly so you can act on those and plan things beforehand, which as a result helps you in better decision-making and avoid any mental stress.

Avoid negativity – Stop thinking negatively as it only makes things worse, affecting your mood badly. It reduces your cognitive ability which affects many things. Always be calculative so you can make better decisions and avoid mental stress & confusion.

Surround yourself with positive people – Avoid people who always talk negatively and are of the negative type who always complain & show negative behavior, this affects our mood negatively. Whereas when we surround ourselves with positive people that keeps us positive and happy.

Be connected to God – Worshipping & chanting are a way of connecting with God and it relaxes our mind.

Read good books – We should always keep learning good things and books are a great source. Reading good stuff will keep you motivated, as well as help you deal with problems positively.

Physical health

Precautions – There is a saying “Prevention is better than cure” and it is true even today. Instead of going to a doctor, if we take precautionary measures, we can keep our health good, as well as save time & money. Eating outside, packaged food, junk foods & overeating may cause health issues that need to be avoided and prefer eating homemade foods.

Proper diet & sleep – A bad lifestyle puts our health at risk. Need to go to bed & wake up early, following a proper diet consistently is key to good health.

Yoga/Exercise – Regular yoga/exercise in the morning can do many goods to your physical health. It improves blood circulation, uplifts mood, improves cognitive ability, improves organs’ health, and strengthens the immune system.

Drink water throughout the day – Water is required by the body to perform many vital functions so drink water as per needed.

Cure existing illnesses – Don’t ignore diseases, consult your doctor for any health issues you have or it will cause another problem.

Maintain hygiene – Many diseases can be avoided by maintaining proper hygiene that can support your better health.

Avoid Intoxication/Substance Abuse – Regular consumption of Alcohol, cigarettes & other such things can put your health at risk. Too much substance abuse can damage your liver, kidney, lungs, heart & other organs in your body, as well as can cause some serious chronic diseases.

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