March 14, 2025
Social Issues

How Negative News Affecting Our lives?

negative news affect

Nowadays, we encounter negative news on almost every social platform and news channel. Whether you watch news channels, open YouTube, Twitter, or other social platforms, negative news is everywhere. It’s unavoidable for us to not see or watch such stuff.

Every day we turn on the TV to watch news channels and we hardly see good news or something that would matter to us being telecasted, many times you will notice we watch negative news or aggressive political debates going on that don’t make sense to our lives. But still, we watch them as we don’t have other options, you switch to another news channel and you find the same thing going on.

Same on social media, we often see negative or mundane stuff when we open any of these platforms; it becomes hard to ignore and we get addicted to that. We are now also used to that and like watching this stuff more as our brain is wired in such a way that we get attracted to negative stuff more than positives. Reading or watching negative stuff can have a negative impact on our health that we are unaware of.

When I say negative news, I refer to those news that impact our lives negatively and evoke negative emotions within. Anger, fight, death, murder, rape, vulgar, violence, abusive, crime, and other such content are all negative news. Consuming such news regularly can have a bad impact on our health. Awareness of these things is good but every day watching these stuff over and over again is not good for us.

Now let’s understand the negative news impact on our lives:

  • We become what we read, watch, listen, think. Regularly reading/watching negative news can make you a negative person. You may notice a change in your behavior.
  • It can cause anger or mental stress and we are well aware that stress is linked to many health issues
  • It can affect your cognitive ability and decision-making as a negative environment/thinking can’t give you a positive result
  • It may affect your relationship with others as a negative environment leads to negative thinking which results in negative behavior

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